Important Links
Can you help us give an innocent man his freedom back?
Help to get Guy an Attorney,
Please share the Go Fund Me Link even if you can't donate.
Even if you don't read all the case.
Sharing it really, really helps more than most realise.
Click here - https://gf.me/u/yzjgjt
Guy Heinze Jr petition was set up to compel the Georgia Supreme Court to re-examine this case with the utmost scrutiny. In order for this case to be looked at again it must gain large numbers of support. All signatures count each one brings us closer to getting justice for Guy.
The information on the petition pertaining to the issues within the case itself is lengthy however this is so it contains all of the relevant information and is more for the purpose of the courts than for those of the general public to read it. please don't feel you need to read it all.
This is a group made to raise awareness for wrongfully convicted Guy Heinze Jr.
The group is both interactive and informative so people can know better who it is they are fighting to free.
Doing whats right to fix the wrong
Jacksonville Florida Innocence organisation
This page is made to raise awareness for wrongfully convicted Guy Heinze Jr.
The page is both interactive and informative so people can know better who it is they are fighting to free.
This podcast is hosted by Jodie Sturt, Guys girlfriend. It features Q & A's with Guy and also members of his family. There are discussions with those working and researching his case along with a breakdown of the trial and evidence.
This page is updated regularly there will be more information added on subjects including: -
The Investigation, The Case according to Law Enforcement, a breakdown of the news coverage, The Trial, The Evidence, Who was on the Case and where are they now, Guys conviction and current situation, who are Eye on Innocence, The life on Death Row BBC Documentary.
Any information on this page has been verified by Guys family, partner and/or official documentation.
© 2020 criminalbehaviours.com - criminalbehaviours@gmail.com